You heard my cry and answered me
In the dry salvages
Where dust chokes all my utterance,
When I remember all my throbbing life
Is only dust,
To dust it shall return,
You answered me.
You heard my cry and answered me
In the lonely reaches,
In the dark of desolation,
Where the owl’s cry haunts
And the bat’s flit wears grotesqueness
In the crumbling ruins of my fear
You answered me.
You heard my cry and answered me
Under the shadow of doubt
And the voices calling questions
Till I wonder if I even have a name.
Swirled in the vortex of uncertainty,
Multiform in map-lessness
You answered me.
You heard my cry and answered me
Loving the unlovely
Always and everywhere
The only song I know,
Played in ten thousand melodies
To harmonise as one
You answered me
And gave to me yourself.