Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Know Your Limits

Know your limits, know your place
Know the whole world floods with grace;
Know that you have been set free
To walk in love’s entirety.

Know that you are weak and small,
Know the mighty Lord of all
Lifts you up to heights unguessed
His holiness to manifest.

Know your voice is small and weak,
Know that he commands you speak
Gloried angels bend to hear
Mercy lift you out of fear.

Know your limits, child of man
Called forth by the great I Am,
Meek with wonder, take your place
In the annals of his grace.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Carss Park, September

Early Spring:
On sun-blessed waters
Knife-sharp gulls
Float in the moment’s tranquillity;
We sit
In lengthening shadows
Watching an infinite sky
Whisper hallelujah.

I will arise and go
To my Father’s many-mansioned house,
Under his roof-beams,
My corner’s rest
The lapping waters
And the glory of the light.

Monday, September 02, 2019

On Government Policies

Cold and metallic, bitter on the tongue
Blind cruelty stalks the land.
Genial, smiling, blokey
And heartless as a bank vault:
Dollar-signs, false fears, and the tramping of the boots –
Jackboots marching, trampling tender shoots
Ripping kindness by the roots.

It is not cheap sentiment
To stand against the zeitgeist
To refrain from sloganeering
Ersatz comfort easy-bought.
Compassion costs the heart
Pierced through and nailed apart
With ancient nails.

Let us renounce all cruelty
Let us not dehumanise
In the kingdom of my Father
There is no us-and-them,
In the kingdom of my Father
We clutch Christ by the hem.
Let the little children come