Sunday, March 19, 2006

a busy weekend

Have just had one of those weekends that leave me feeling a little tired, and with a few things to think about. Yesterday (saturday) I did a few errands then filled in some time on the computer and found a very good personality test at if you want to know about me, my results page is I found it interesting that my highest scores were for feminine traits (whatever they are, can someone actually define?) empathy, spontaneity and imagination. My lowest were for masculine traits (??) and a crashing zero for authoritarianism. I didn't get much in confidence either, or trust (not surprising, that one, considering my history!)

In the afternoon we took our son (P) and DIL (V) to see a play in the city : The History boys, a performance which was touring from England. Raised all sorts of questions really, but some pretty fundamental ones on the nature of truth, and what motivates your choice of paradigm for understanding the raw facts. This has all sorts of interesting implications, for personal life and how you interpret your own experiences (isn't that what narrative therapy is about?) but also I think for the presuppositions we bring to our hermeneutics (eg the egalitarian/hierarchical debate, which is very much on my mind) Afterwards we had the kids back for ordered in chinese, then watched old episodes of The Saint and The Avengers on tv.

This morning went to a friends church and heard the best sermon I've heard in a very long time. His basic contention (based on segments of Mark 9 and 2 Corinthians 4) was that the world's view is that we get and exercise power in order to obtain glory. The biblical viewpoint is that we start out by having glory, and because we have it already, we are free to exercise power as servanthood. Yet most people still go at it the wrong way round.... it occurred to me that a good definition of abuse would be when people exercise power to take away another's glory. Then we went out to lunch (A &I) with old friends. Tonight I have not only done the normal things but washed my hair and baked a quiche (salami, tomato and parsley) ready for an early start tomorrow's. We have the opportunity to hear the theologian NTWright while he is in Sydney. the downside is that, to meet the friend I am going with, I have to leave home at 7:40. I'm normally just getting up then!!

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