Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Here I am!

After quite a hiatus, I'm back and ready to blog again. college is over, for good! After 6 years of p/t study, I have finally fulfilled all righteousness in terms of degree requirements, and, assuming I passed my last assignment and exam (and I fully expect to) it's all over bar the graduation ceremony (March 29th next year). I think I'm still walking round in a daze, on some visceral level I never thought I'd actually get this far. For those who don't know, I was a dropout from uni in my youth (at least partly to do with abuse issues)and I never quite believed that one day I'd actually make it through a course of study and get that degree. I really believe that this degree was God's idea, not mine, and I'm waiting with some anticipation to see what He wants me to do with it.

I've also changed the name of my blog; "From the Pickle jar" sounded a bit too domesticated for me. I'm still going through a belated adolescence and trying to work out who I am, but i'm sure I'm not the earth-mother type. Spend far too much time with my head in the clouds for that!


Kevin Knox said...

Pickle-osophy is definitely more collegiate. :-)

Congratulations on a journey that I'm sure earned you a lot more than a degree, and a whole lot more than my respect, though you've definitely scored that!

Welcome back. WooHoo!

Suzanne R said...

I think you know how proud I am of you, but I'll say it again. :-) You have accomplished so much and I have no doubt that God has some great things in store for you.

I am still mulling what to change the name of my blog to, but I may have come up with something that will work. I'll try it out and see.

Lu Ann Schmidt said...

I just want to let you know that I'm very proud of your accomplishment. I knew you could do it. You're strong, and I admire you for that. I miss you a lot, and I'm hoping that some day you will return to the chat list and join in the fun and conversation.