Friday, September 26, 2008

Twisted thought

Hmm .. whenever I comment on someone else's blog I get that little phrase from Blogger "your comment has been saved".

Are they trying to tell me something about the unregenerate nature of my comments?
Or have they checked it (how?) to see that it qualifies as a genuine born-again comment?

the concept of salvation by blogger is definitely a worry .. ;-)


Kevin Knox said...

You win. :-)

It was a rough day, but you got a serious laugh out of me.

I'm guessing your comment could not repay it's debt, but in grace The Google winked at its inadequacy. Truly the network is the sufficiency.

kc bob said...

At least that poor little comment wasn't put in limbo/purgatory and told that it was "awaiting moderation" :)

Missy said...

Lynne, you made me laugh, and those two fellas made me snort!

Milly said...

:-} Mine have been saved also! Yea to the blooger gods!

Lynne said...

You guys are so much fun!
now, thanks to KB, I know what dreadful fate I have been spared, and CP has explained the theology.
Milly's utterances dwell among the redeemed, and missy and I will just giggle in the corner.

Did Blogger even know that it's in the religion business?

Suzanne R said...

Well, Blogger doesn't have it quite right, because it says it may take a moment for the saved comment to appear, and the Bible says we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. ;-) (Hope I've got that right; I sometimes get my old Mormon theology mixed in, when it rears its unwelcome head in my memory.)