Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ordinary Grace

Here, where the warp meets weft,
The liminal space, between breathing out and in,
Where the lines of the floorboards grow weary,
The place of our deep confusion,
His mercy falls.

Here, where we cease to be children,
Where we catch the ball that no one threw,
Where we ask the unspeakable questions,
Ignoring our own tears,
His mercy falls.

Here, where we pause before blank canvas,
Where anticipation meets uncertainty,
Or the world is wrenched awry in one sharp moment,
Glimpsing the true obscenity,
His mercy falls.

Here, where we find our ends
Are merely new beginnings when horizons sway.
Where preconceptions clash with life,
Betrayed by our own fear,
His mercy falls.

Here, where we see familiar loves,
With unfamiliar eyes, marvelling and doubting,
Where our hearts tear open, and he meets our wound with his,
In the dawn forever breaking,
His mercy falls

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