Monday, August 06, 2018

Today I weep for the children

Today I weep for the children,
The captives of human bitterness,
Too young for any crime;
Sundered, caged, denied,
Ripped from all human decency
And pointing to our guilt.

Today I weep for the children,
Pawns of the politics of hate,
The playthings of our greed,
Objects of lust,
The torn and the broken,
The trampled least-of-these.

Today I weep for the children,
The victims of our systems
Detritus of a throw-away society,
Conveniently out of sight,
Abandoned to the predators
And crucified again.

Today I weep for the children
Desperately seeking
For the words they don’t yet have
To name their dreadful sorrow,
To remind us
What was said about a millstone and the sea.

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