Monday, May 15, 2006

I lay my life

And a poem, an oldie of mine, written about the healing journey. One of the curly questions that was thrown at me yesterday when I was interviewed in the church in Canberra was "How do you keep walking in your healing?" I gave quite a reasonable answer (especially considering I had about 5 seconds thinking time) but it's something to keep thinking about ..


I lay my life in the hands of Life, for I cannot walk alone
I give these selves to become a self, until selflessness is known
And I give my tears to water truth, till I harvest what I’ve sown.

I give my heart, in its shattered state, smashed in by heartlessness
To beat in time with the Heart of things, timed into timelessness,
All of its fragments taken in, His great love to express.

I stretch my hands, fumbling, hesitant, to reach towards my goal
I know I cannot touch the prize beyond my small control
But I am held, and carried there, and someday I’ll be whole.

I lay my life in the arms of Life, for there is no other way
I have no solid ground to tread, no days except today
Yet in the dark I trust the light to heal and hold and stay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moving and eloquent. I am touched deeply by this.